本周的非营利鸣叫 - 20年6月5日

Stay informed of the week’s notable events and shared resources with this curated list of本周的非营利鸣叫


  • “Minnesota officials charged three more former police officers on Wednesday in the death of George Floyd, and added an upgraded charge against the former officer who pressed his knee to Mr. Floyd’s neck for nearly nine minutes. … It’s great news, they said — and it’s not nearly enough. There need to be convictions. There needs to be systemic change.”纽约时报
  • “詹姆斯·马蒂斯,尊敬的海洋一般谁在2018年十二月辞去国防部长抗议唐纳德·特朗普的叙利亚政策,已经,自从,一直故意沉默特朗普的表现为总统。但他现在已经打破了他的沉默,书写他谴责为分裂国家的总统,并指责下令美国军方侵犯美国公民的宪法权利的他非凡的宽边“。大西洋组织
  • “冠状病毒相关的经济衰退可能已掀起了全球温室气体排放量暴跌,但对于确定全球变暖的严重程度的另一个重要指标 - 温室气体的实际空气量 - 刚刚创下了历史新高。”华盛顿邮报


  • 巴拉克奥巴马:我写了关于如何使这一时刻一个真正的转折点,以实现真正的变化的一些想法 - 和一些资源拉到一起,以帮助青年积极分子窜精力投入到具体的行动保持这一势头。如何让这一刻的转折点真正的改变
  • Lisa Schohl:“在我们的集体颈部膝盖是结构性的种族主义是在我们生活的每一个方面持续和普遍。我们都不敢跑,驱动器,坐在我们的家园,吃冰淇淋,或观看鸟类。”非营利世界来响应乔治·弗洛伊德的死亡
  • 非营利季度:慈善声称将专注于确保#BlackLivesMatter然后松懈注意力移到别处。我们绝不能作为踉跄又一个领域!https://bit.ly/2zQjgvUWilliamCordery
  • 慈善纪事:“我们很幸运,在服务于那些谁打断,谁破坏,谁提醒我们要停止摆弄周围的边缘,因为没有做实际的工作。”拆解种族主义可能需要慈善拆除本身(急件)
  • BoardSource:“如果我们是真正的‘公共利益的管家,’我们怎样才能证明视而不见到继续在公众场合出现,往往在一天之光的不公正”Preparing for the Journey – and Remembering Their Names
  • 朱利安·卡斯特罗: Calls for justice are good and necessary, but what I’d rather hear right now from elected officials are calls for specific policy change. Even better—action to change it. [埃德。亟需更多非营利性的宣传。这是一个经济欠发达,资源不足,未充分利用和战略任务的进步。当人们要求改变,但有一个不存在政策上的统一解决方案的时刻,在需要治理和行政领导。]
  • Sherrilyn的IFill:这是过去搬过去的训练和社区治安采取免疫合格,联邦和地方资金,工会合同及的是坚持种族主义和残酷的警务结构的基础设施通话时间。阅读我在@Slate最新。如何改变警务美国
  • 截止好莱坞:洛杉矶市长艾瑞克·嘎塞提,市政府官员切削$ 100- $ 1.5亿从LAPD预算,资金再投资在社区的颜色http://dlvr.it/RXxRpy
  • 杰德艾默生:值得我们审查通过@NYTimes ...在美国,种族和种族主义的历史,在24章
  • 杰米莱·希尔:@ benandjerrys只是把所有其他公司陈述的耻辱。你这是怎么了一份声明。[艾德。微博包括下面的图形g excerpt: “The murder of George Floyd was the result of inhumane police brutality that is perpetuated by a culture of white supremacy. What happened to George Floyd was not the result of a bad apple; it was the predictable consequence of a racist and prejudiced system and culture that has treated Black bodies as the enemy from the beginning. What happened to George Floyd in Minneapolis is the fruit borne of toxic seeds planted on the shores of our country in Jamestown in 1619, when the first enslaved men and women arrived on this continent. Floyd is the latest in a long list of names that stretches back to that time and that shore. Some of those names we know — Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Emmett Till, Martin Luther King, Jr. — most we don’t.” Ben and Jerry’s full statement can be found这里]

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