
在里面PNNOnline(2005年4月19日)的文章“非营利性专业人员转到计划给予提高资金严重," results of a survey by Blackbaud, Inc., a leading provider of software designed for nonprofit organizations, showed that 37% of those who registered for Blackbaud’s free online seminar "How to Make Planned Giving Work for You" found "cultivating planned gifts" to be their biggest challenge and that 68% now have a dedicated planned giving officer. Obviously, the survey group was far from being representative of the nonprofit sector as a whole, but the article shed some interesting information.

Blackbaud CEO罗伯特J. Sywolski声称遗产占个人捐赠9%,共计捐款超过十亿$ 21此外,根据约6万亿$的410000亿$有望于婴儿潮时期出生的2052通过转移研究由保罗舍维什与波士顿大学社会研究所的约翰·黑文斯,预计将捐赠给慈善机构。“计划捐赠很可能是通过很多这些捐款是由其中一辆车。”
