
Last year, a study conducted by the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Center for Marketing Research (“US Charities’ Adoption of Social Media Study,” August 2010) reported that the largest nonprofits are outpacing for-profit companies and academia when it comes to social media use. Among its findings (based on the 200...

BoardSource领袖论坛2010 - 第二部分:十大法律风险,为非营利机构的董事会

在会议上“2010年十大:法律风险,面对非营利机构的董事会”在2010年BoardSource领袖论坛,梅兰妮·洛克伍德赫尔曼,非营利组织管理风险中心,和Jeffrey S.特南鲍姆,维纳布尔LLP,提出了他们所面临的十大法律风险列表非营利机构的董事会:从社会媒体曝光使用,误用,...