


华盛顿邮报的文章“禁止在政治认可的牧师目标(2008年9月8日),”报道,联盟辩护基金会正准备在国税局54岁的规则,各国非营利性,免税实体不得直接攻击”“参与或干预英寸。。any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.’" Rather than waiting for the IRS to investigate an alleged violation, the ADF is organizing several pastors to defy this rule on September 28 to prompt an investigation that the ADF will challenge in federal court on First Amendment grounds, with the ultimate goal of obtaining a Supreme Court decision that throws out the rule.

ADF报告说,截至9月8日,它已经成功地招募了来自20个不同州的36名牧师,这些牧师将利用他们的讲坛作为平台,支持或拒绝任何参与地方、州或联邦选举的政治候选人。因此,演讲的内容会有所不同,但所有的讲道“都是根据圣经和教义对任职条件的评估”。As explained by the ADF’s attorney, Erik Stanley, the ADF believes they are promoting a constitutional right, and not a violation of federal tax law, because "[i]t is the job of the pastors of America to debate the proper role of church in society. It’s not for the government to mandate the role of church in society."

However, not all religious leaders agree with the ADF and an opposing collection of Christian and Jewish clergy have petitioned to stop the "Pulpit Initiative" before it occurs and asked the IRS to determine whether ADF’s nonprofit status is at risk given its "attempt to organize an ‘inappropriate, unethical and illegal’ series of political endorsements." In another example, two Ohio pastors are encouraging pastors to deliver a sermon on the importance of the separation of church and state on September 21.

这已经不是第一次了ADF参加了一个有争议的问题。它还“挑战同性婚姻的倡议,干细胞研究和限制的距离示威者必须保持流产患者的规则...... [和]帮助童子军禁止同性恋童军领袖。”这个问题特别让这成为众人的焦点的自动进稿器及其律师。前国税局的律师,马库斯·欧文斯S.,批评ADF及其鼓励和律师“产品说明”如何违反联邦税法。欧文斯,由前IRS专员加盟莫蒂默M.卡普林和专业负责的国税局办公室前负责人南锥体R. Namorato,会要求有关ADF律师国税局调查‘的道德规则的公然漠视。’

IRS规则信息可以在他们的发现“慈善机构,教会和政治“ 网页。


更多信息可在OMB关注的“背景上IRS政治活动合规计划“ 网页。


- 陈英凝


  1. 虽然我不知道我该规则禁止拉票同意,我很严谨关于遵守规则的非营利组织。因此,我不得不说,我希望国税局采取一些行动。
