
On August 31, 2006, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) released a statement of its receipt of a letter from the IRS informing the NAACP that the IRS had concluded its investigation of the organization’s activities with a finding that the NAACP did not violate the prohibition against political campaign activities applicable to 501(c)(3) organizations.

据全国有色人种协进,国税局于2004年推出的“调查美国国会一些共和党议员谁说他们的选民认为有色人种协进会国家董事会主席朱利安·邦德穿过非党派的线在一次讲话在NAACP 2004年全国受理投诉后,公约布什政府政策的关键。”为响应IRS认定,邦德说,“好消息是我们平反,为我们和其他热爱自由的美国人来说,坏消息是,[调查]发起的党派目的,我们的权利威胁言论自由“。

