

一般情况下,从无关的经营活动的净收入将受到不相关的企业所得税(” UBIT”)如果活动构成(1)定期进行的,和(3)贸易或业务;(2)基本不related to the furtherance of the organization’s exempt purpose. The IRS considers soliciting, selling, and publishing commercial advertising to constitute a trade or business that, if regularly carried on and not substantially related to the organization’s exempt purpose, may produce income subject to UBIT. In contrast to advertising, however, qualified sponsorship payments (“QSPs”) are specifically excluded from the definition of unrelated trade or business. Accordingly, income generated from QSPs is not subject to UBIT. So what’s the difference between advertising and QSPs and how can your organization plan accordingly?





For example, let’s assume that a local pizza chain agrees to sponsor an amateur soccer team organized by a local nonprofit and the nonprofit in exchange agrees to acknowledge the sponsorship by placing the pizza chain’s name and logo (and no other qualitative or comparative statements) on the back of the team jerseys. In this example, the payment provided by the pizza chain will be a QSP and will not be subject to UBIT. However, one additional separate exception to be aware of is that a payment for the use or acknowledgment of a business name, logo, or product in a nonprofit’s periodical (which generally includes any regularly scheduled and printed material published by or on behalf of a nonprofit) will be treated under the rules that apply to income derived from advertising activities, even if the payment otherwise seems to qualify as a QSP.





  1. 塔玛拉


    • 基因高木涉


  2. 什么是“印刷”的定义,因为它涉及支付承认一个企业名称,标志,或产品在非营利组织的期刊。我的组织正在考虑在我们的每周电子通讯中加入承保确认。这些确认书是按照适用于广告活动收入的规则处理,还是可以被视为OSP?

    • 基因高木涉

      26 CFR 1.513-4(B) - “为此,印刷材料包括材料以电子出版。”

  3. 我们的非营利希望提供横幅要显示在我们的筹款设施取决于赞助级别3-12个月(室内足球舞台上,我们保持我们的事件)的捐助者。所有的广告和内容仅包括捐赠者的位置,联系电话或网站;标志或口号成立;和价值中立的描述,显示或产品或服务的描绘。根据我们发现的,我们相信自己的横幅和内容下跌QSP下。我们的问题是将我们的基础是受到美国国税局UBIT如果我们把捐赠者的赞助$$支付该设施的时间,即旗帜必达的部分?

    • 基因高木涉

      Generally, if payments fall within the definition of a QSP because, in part, there is no arrangement or expectation that the person will receive any substantial return benefit, use of the payments to advance the charity’s charitable purposes without providing a substantial return benefit to the contributor should not jeopardize the QSP. But in your case, the issue may be whether the banners are advertising because they are displayed not only at the fundraising event but for 3-12 months continuously. And the cost of paying the facility is the cost of being engaged in an unrelated advertising business.
