网络研讨会:NGOsource -准备您的下一个国际奖助金

加入我们的朋友和法律专家Martha Lackritz-Peltier和Brigit KavanaghNGOsource下一个网络研讨会——“规划你的下一个国际资助:基金会和DAFs的法律问题”将于太平洋标准时间9月12日上午11点举行。电竞比分注册免费的这里



启Proc。2017 - 53年


[一]格兰特私人基金会授予人,希望有一个外国组织授权者,缺乏一个国税局决心信当作了一个合格的公共慈善机构通常必须完成两个步骤做一个等价的决心按照§§53.4942 (A) 3 (A)(6), 53.4945 - 5(一)(5)、6和53.4945 (c) (2) (2)。首先,授予人(通过一个或多个基金会经理)必须做出善意的决定和合理的判断,即授予人是第501(c)(3)条组织(根据第509(a)(4)条除外)。第二,授予人必须做出善意的决定,即根据§4942(g)和4945(d)(4)的规定,授予人是一个合格的公共慈善机构。




根据§53.4942(a)- 3(a)(6)和53.4945-5(a)(5)进行等效判定的法规要求

在2015年,财政部和IRS定稿下§§53.4942(A)-3(a)中(6)和53.4945-5的(a)(5)(TD 9740为等价测定的监管要求; 80 FR 57709; 2015年-42 IRB 573),用于确定何时准许是一个合格的分布,而不是应纳税支出的目的。该条例规定的一般规则,即私人基金会设保人可以把一个外国受让人作为一个合格的公共慈善机构,如果该基金会已取得了良好的信心决心,这种效果。The regulations also include a special rule that a private foundation’s determination ordinarily will be considered made in good faith if it is based on written advice that is “current” and received from a “qualified tax practitioner” concluding that the grantee is a “qualifying public charity,” and if the foundation reasonably relied in good faith on the written advice in accordance with the requirements of § 1.6664-4(c)(1) in making the determination. Under this special rule, the written advice must give enough facts concerning the foreign grantee’s operations and support to enable the IRS to determine that the grantee would likely qualify as a qualifying public charity as of the date of the written advice. This special rule reflects three significant changes from the equivalency determination process provided under the prior regulations: (1) a general broadening of the class of qualified tax practitioners that could prepare written advice; (2) elimination, under the special rule, of reliance by a private foundation on grantee affidavits without current written advice received from qualified tax practitioners (although such reliance is still permissible in appropriate circumstances under the general rule); and (3) the addition of a new definition of the period for reliance on written advice received from qualified tax从业者的特殊规则的目的。

















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